You are invited to the AWS Container Day featuring Kubernetes an official Co-Located Event at KubeCon NA 2022 in Detroit, Michigan. AWS Container Day is free for KubeCon attendees but pre-event registration is still required.

There are two separate sessions requiring separate registration (Morning/AM session and Afternoon/PM session). Registration at one session does not grant access to the other (i.e., an individual who signs up for the AM session will be denied access to the PM session unless they register for that session as well). Attendees should register for morning session, afternoon session, or both when they sign up for KubeCon OR update their registration to include the event. Co-Located Event signup is the 4th step in registration (under registration options).

If you’re attending the conference in person, you can sign up to meet with an AWS expert by filling out this form .

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How to run Minecraft on Kubernetes