A couple of exciting announcements this week including the addition of wildcards support in Fargate profiles and better cost allocation tracking for EKS worker nodes. Special thanks to those who submitted articles for this edition of the newsletter! As a fun aside we included a link to a site that generates k8s manifests using natural language processing.
AWS Container Announcements
- Announcing wildcard support in Amazon EKS Fargate Profile Selectors
- Previously you were limited to 5 namespaces/label pairs (max profiles: 10 per cluster)
- Now you can use wildcards, e.g. ? and *, in your profile selectors
- Amazon EKS announces cluster-level cost allocation tagging
- All EC2 instances which join an EKS cluster are automatically tagged with an AWS-generated cost allocation tag regardless of whether they are provisioned using EKS managed node groups, Karpenter, or directly via EC2
- AWS App Mesh adds support for multiple listeners
- Define a listener per each application port on AWS App Mesh Virtual Gateways, Virtual Nodes and Virtual Routers, and define traffic routes to a specific listener
- Configure each listener independently, secure them with individual TLS certificates, and collect traffic metrics separately for each application port
- This enables you to control and secure inbound and outbound traffic for different application ports, as well as to collect port-specific metrics for this traffic
- AWS App Mesh introduces configurable Envoy access log format for Virtual Nodes and Gateways
- Specify the desired access log pattern using any Envoy command operators
- This configuration makes it easier to export the Envoy access log file to other tools for further analysis
AWS Container Blogs
- Amazon EMR on EKS gets up to 19% performance boost running on AWS Graviton
- This post examines the performance test results that compare running the EMR Spark runtime on different Graviton-based EC2 instances
- EMR on EKS now supports the C7g instance family which has a maximum 19% performance gain over the 6th generation C6g Graviton2 instances and costs 15% less
- Continuous Deployment and GitOps delivery with Amazon EKS Blueprints and ArgoCD
- This blog shows you how to use the multi-environment GitOps pipeline pattern and ArgoCD to consistently apply configuration and deploy applications across different environments, and bootstrap clusters with software and configuration settings
- See also, GitHub - aws-samples/eks-multi-cluster-gitops
- Managing Kubernetes control plane events in Amazon EKS
- This blog explains how to send Kubernetes events to CloudWatch and how to filter those events (such as only pod events, node events, and so on)
- See also, GitHub - resmoio/kubernetes-event-exporter: Export Kubernetes events to multiple destinations with routing and filtering
- Optimize game servers hosting with containers
- Proposes various ways to optimize game server container images and how operationalize the runtime environment (EKS)
- Covers image builds, CI/CD with Code*, infrastructure and game server scaling, observability, and security
Videos and Webinars
- Container Day sessions from Kubecon EU Day Zero are now available at cftc.info
- How the Hive Came to Bee: The History of eBPF
- VMs vs Containers vs Serverless on AWS
- Weaveworks Trusted Delivery
- Oh The Places You’ll Sign
- Scan your AWS Services for Security Issues with Trivy
Ecosystem news
- Uploading kubernetes pod coredumps to s3
- 6 Best Practices for Effective Readiness and Liveness Probes
- Setting up a Multi-Architecture Kubernetes Cluster
- Amazon EKS Upgrade Journey From 1.22 to 1.23
- What is GitOps
- Lift and Shift Windows Containers
- Kubernetes 1.25 – What’s new?
- On Amazon EKS and ACK
- Why leaving pods in crashloopbackoff can have a bigger impact than you might think
- ArgoCon 2022 - What’s In Store
- TCP packets traffic visualization for kubernetes by k8spacket and Grafana
- How to do deployment updates without serving errors
- Kubernetes Security Compliance Frameworks