AWS Container Announcements
- AWS Fault Injection Simulator now supports ChaosMesh and Litmus experiments
- Using the new Kubernetes custom resource action for AWS FIS, you can control ChaosMesh and Litmus chaos experiments from within an AWS FIS experiment
AWS Container Blogs
Using Amazon EBS snapshots for persistent storage with your Amazon EKS cluster by leveraging add-ons
- A very timely article considering the pending release of EKS 1.23 where installation of the EBS CSI driver will be required
- The CSI driver includes support for Kubernetes Volume Snapshots which lets you create a copy of your Amazon EBS volume at a specific point in time
- The snapshotter is a separate component that has to be installed prior to the EKS add-on for the EBS CSI driver
- Once the snapshotter is installed, you can use a CRD to create an EBS snapshot
- You can use snapshots to migrate your EBS volumes from gp2 to gp3 as described in this earlier blog
Using CDK to perform continuous deployments in multi-region Kubernetes environments
- This post shows you how to create EKS clusters in multiple AWS Regions using CDK and create a continuous deployment pipeline for infrastructure and application changes
- Kubernetes Multi-Region with CDK Lightboard Video
- If you prefer a declarative approach to provisioning and managing infrastructure consider these options:
Optimize your Spring Boot application for AWS Fargate
- Shorten the time to bootstrap your container and the application by following these recommendations:
- Use only the required dependencies
- Replace Tomcat with Undertow, which is a more lightweight and performant web container
- Use the standard DynamoDB client instead of the enhanced client
- Use Amazon Corretto 18 and build your own runtime using jdeps and jlink
- Add GraalVM with Spring Native, GraalVM is a high-performance distribution of the JDK and transforms bytecode into machine code
- Use as the parent image for x86
- See also the recent CFTC video on
- Shorten the time to bootstrap your container and the application by following these recommendations:
Amazon Detective Supports Kubernetes Workloads on Amazon EKS for Security Investigations
- Monitor activities recorded in the EKS audit logs and correlate them to user activity and network traffic happening across your AWS accounts
- Detective provides a data analysis and a visualization layer that answers common security questions
- It’s backed by a behavioral graph database that allows you to quickly investigate potential malicious behavior associated with your EKS workloads
- Free 30-day trial for all customers
Ecosystem News
Take the CNCF Cloud Native Survey 2022
- Only U.S.-based AWS account root users who have spent more than $100 each month over the past 3 months are eligible to place an order
- Order the free security key through the ordering portal
Using Fluent Bit and OpenSearch with Bottlerocket and Kubelet logs
- Show how to run OpenSearch with the OpenSearch Operator on Kubernetes using Bottlerocket OS
- Adds the Fluent Bit to collect logs from the nodes of the same Kubernetes cluster and sends them to OpenSearch
- Intimidated by eBPF? Try BumbleBee
GitHub Projects
- Kuberbetes Event Exporter
- Export your Kubernetes events to different managed services and backends
For Fun
- Turtles all the way down
- Learn and practice Kubernetes security
- Interested in Machine Learning? Try this new course from Amazon Machine Learning University