In this issue we learn that Kubernetes 1.24 “Stargazer” is out, console supporting all standard Kubernetes resources, some save the dates, ways to write less YAML and so much more.

The schedule for AWS Container Days is out! Give it a look and register if you’d like us to send you calendar invites. See the page for more details

New service announcements and features

Amazon Managed Service for Prometheus is now available in Europe (London) Region

Amazon EKS console now supports all standard Kubernetes resources to simplify cluster management

Amazon EKS now available in the AWS Asia Pacific (Jakarta) Region

New and notable blogs

Save the date: Container Day + KubeCon

Save the date: AWS Containers events in May

Introducing Kubernetes Resource View in Amazon EKS console

Using AWS Load Balancer Controller for blue/green deployment, canary deployment and A/B testing

Addressing latency and data transfer costs on EKS using Istio

Metrics and traces Collection from Amazon ECS using AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry with Dynamic Service Discovery

Containers from the Couch

Amazon EKS with IPv6 pod networking

Detector for docker socket

Ecosystem News

Kubernetes 1.24: Stargazer

Dockershim deprecated with release of Kubernetes 1.24

Don’t Write Your Own Kubernetes YAML Generator

Kubernetes Goat